Monday, May 2, 2011

Chapter 3

I am a firm believer that people change. Sometimes it is for the better, sometimes it is not. For me, it is better....much much better. I am going to skip chapters 1 and 2 for my sake and your time. No doubt, I would not be where I am now if it wasn't for them, but there are definite memories that still bring up a painful past.

My life is wonderful now. I have a great boyfriend who cares about me as much as I care for him (he might joke that he cares more).

 I have two amazing sons, Hayden who is almost 5 and Brady who turned 3 today.

It seems like just yesterday I was going in for a regular check up only to find I was in labor and didn't even know it. My little ginger has gotten so big and so smart! Hayden who is not a ginger but quite possibly the spawn of something magnificent (yes, me) is the biggest smart alec 4/5 year old you have ever met. Whether he tells me, and I quote "this is ridiculous" or "what do you not understand mom, it's not that difficult?" there is never a dull moment with either of them.

To help me with Chapter 3, I have began reading a book called "How to Heal Toxic Thoughts". Although I am only to chapter 3 in the book (no correlation with the title of this blog) I must say that it is a book I think most people should read. There always seems to be so much negativity in the air about everything. I know that I am guilty of being negative as well and although it takes thought to be positive; you feel better, you breathe better, and everyone around you notices a great change in your personality and being.

Happy Monday to you all!

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